Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Media Molds the Greek Stereotype

Legally Blonde

Old School
Legally Blonde
The House Bunny

Old School

The media has played an enormous role in degrading the Greek community.  With films such as Animal House (1978), Legally Blonde (2001), Old School (2003), GREEK (2007), and The House Bunny (2008), viewers are only exposed to the party aspect of sorority or fraternity life in a completely unrealistic fashion.  Since the viewer is more attracted to watching a movie with epic parties, hot naked girls, and endless pranks, this is what the producer makes.  So this is what molds the reputation of Greek life rather than showing sisterhoods, community service, or philanthropies that raise thousands of dollars for charity.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


John Heath

Phi Beta Kappa was founded in 1776, as the nation’s first Greek letter society, at William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia.  John Heath was the first president of Phi Beta Kappa, a prestigious organization strongly centered on academics. 

The Old Raleigh Tavern; The birthplace of Phi Beta Kappa

Mission Statement:

I am doing a cultural analysis on sororities and fraternities by researching the history of the Greek community.  I will focus on the stereotypes and perceptions of members by other individuals to see how they have changed or morphed since the origination.  I will use my research to support and depict the stereotypes to determine their credibility and accuracy.